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Senin, 05 Desember 2011

Teaching Tenses Through Miming (e.g.: present continuous tense)

* Teacher provides sentences of tenses (e.g. present continuous tense) on pieces of papers.
    * Students are divided into groups.
* Each group sends their volunteers (2  or 3 students) to take the paper and mime the sentence.
   Andre and Sule are dancing on the stage.
            S1                  S2              S3
Student 1 mimes the SUBJECT, student 2 mimes the VERB, student 3 mimes the COMPLEMENT (object, adverb).
* The group then guess the mime with present continuous sentence. (they are given 2 minutes for one sentence).
* Correct guess is for 1 point.
* The group with the most point win the game.

It can be applied for teaching other tenses.

By: I Putu Wirya Suta (GuruWir)

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